Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) rigid foam, is an economic and lightweight thermal insulation material derived from petroleum in the form of foam, generally white thermoplastic consisting of 98% air and 2% plastic with closed porous structure.
The manufacturing of EPS
Small polystyrene granules are heated with water vapor and expanded by inflating with pentane gas, an organic component. The pentane gas in numerous small closed pores, which form in the granules, is replaced by air during production and within a short time after production.
After being dried in special silos and inflated with water vapour again, the granules stick firmly to one another without any gaps and take the shape of the mould they are in, resembling honeycombs; thus, EPS thermal insulation blocks are formed. This motionless and dry air, which is trapped in the granules with small closed pores, enables EPS thermal insulation to provide superior thermal insulation for buildings.

EPS is an economical option
EPS is more economical compared to other thermal insulation materials with the same insulation performance. Moreover, it comes to the forefront as an economical option with low energy consumption in its production and its superior technical features.
EPS is produced with the required density according to the usage area and your requests. As its features can be customized, it does not lead to material wastage and unnecessary incremental costs.
The performance of EPS thermal insulation boards remains stable during the product’s economic life thanks to its effective mechanical strength as well as the air trapped by the closed pores it contains. Its thickness does not increase, its thermal conductivity does not change; its mechanical features do not change; and no deformation occurs in other features.
Lightness and usability in the production of other materials and composite products are among the other features of EPS as a finished product.
Environment-Friendly Material
In addition to all these features, EPS is an environment-friendly material by being 100% recyclable and containing components that do not harm the atmosphere and ozone layer.
Testing and classification units of the European Union have determined that human health and environment-friendly EPS does not contain any toxic or cancerogenic substances in normal usage.